The Brescia plant was born and developed in an urban context. Its proximity to the residential neighbourhood of San Bartolomeo, north of the city, encouraged us to anticipate the trend of social sustainability. Indeed, ORI Martin has always paid great attention to the impact of production on the surrounding area, implementing concrete mitigation actions in favour of the environment around the community in which the Company operates and of its employees.
Among the principles that inspire the ORI Martin Code of Business Conduct are collaboration and transparency. For this reason, we established the ORI Martin Observatory to create a stable communication channel and a continuous dialogue between institutions, the Company and the neighbourhood. Active since 2013, the ORI Martin Observatory includes members of the Executive and Municipal Council, the District Council, the Council for the Environment, as well as a Company representative and a workers representative. The main topics concern information on environmental impacts and traffic issues resulting from the activity of the plant along with a search for solutions to the problems reported by citizens. The Observatory’s activity is periodically reported on the website of the Municipal Government of Brescia.
The third ORI Martin Observatory report, published in May 2023, complements the preceding ones of 2014 and 2021 with an update in December 2022 of key operational data, production cycle, environmental monitoring and sustainability initiatives.
Direct communication with the territory is carried out through a procedure whereby the Company guarantees to listen to any reports from the neighbourhood regarding disturbance attributable to industrial activity such as vibrations, dust, odour and traffic. The procedure establishes that a suitable number of reporting parties, residents in the neighbourhood next to the factory, can transmit reports promptly. The complaint is then recorded in a special register “Citizen Nuisance Reporting Model”, which also collects the intervention implemented by the Company to eliminate or reduce any anomalies.
As Dr Fabio Capra, President of the Observatory and Councillor for the environment, green areas and municipal parks, also underlined, documents such as the Observatory Reports of the Municipality of Brescia represent "informative documents of immediate and easy availability, containing organised, commented and immediately readable data, which also use effective dissemination schemes, considering, in particular, the questions and/or concerns most frequently asked by citizens and stakeholders".
Click here to download the 2023 Report
- ORI Martin S.p.A.
- Trafilati Martin S.p.A.
- Meccanica Trafilati Martin S.r.l.
- Novacciai Martin S.p.A.
- Siderurgica Latina Martin S.p.A.
- Tension Technology Martin S.r.l.
- Officine Meccaniche Villar Perosa
- Sapes S.p.A.
- Trafileria Lariana S.p.A.
- ORI Martin France Sarl
- ORI Martin Deutschland GmbH
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