Technology and innovation for quality. Following this development path, ORI Martin increased the quality of the hot-rolled products thanks to the latest investment for the new Garret line. This demonstrates once more the Group’s commitment to the continuous improvement of the quality level of its products.
The new line is the result of the most modern plant technologies and it is dedicated to the production of qualified steel grade wire rods in the diameters range from 22 to 38 mm, extendable up to 60mm in the future. The quality standard of the new of the new production line guarantees the supplying of high-quality performance products, able to grant reliable and constant results while in use.
The main strengths of the new line are the continuous temperature control during rolling thanks to the installation of the new waterbox with automatic control of the waterflow, surface defects control, dimensional control during rolling, new walking beam cooling tunnel equipped with adjustable coverage and the automatic control of inlet and outlet temperature.
This innovation allows main quality improvements: homogeneity of mechanical characteristics and internal structure, reduction of the possible surface abrasions throughout the rolling process and of decarburization risks, improved winding quality and better uniformity of the dimensional characteristics of the coil.
- ORI Martin S.p.A.
- Trafilati Martin S.p.A.
- Meccanica Trafilati Martin S.r.l.
- Novacciai Martin S.p.A.
- Siderurgica Latina Martin S.p.A.
- Tension Technology Martin S.r.l.
- Officine Meccaniche Villar Perosa
- Sapes S.p.A.
- Trafileria Lariana S.p.A.
- ORI Martin France Sarl
- ORI Martin Deutschland GmbH
- Autotrasporti Bettelli Ruggero S.r.l.
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