Post-Tension Systems

T.T.M. S.r.l. proposes to the construction and design of the various system solutions for post tension, bridges/viaducts, tanks and slabs.
All Bonded and Unbonded systems are produced in compliance with the guideline ETAG013, guaranteed over time and to ensure safe use in prestressed concrete structural elements and are in accordance with ETA.
The anchorages are tested and qualified to provide high fatigue resistance and durability. 

The production of post tension anchors protected against corrosion is one of the main products offered today to structural engineering. These solutions are designed to offer high protection anchors over time, ensuring it by infiltrations or corrosive environments.

The system includes the use of the strand 7-wire in three types, Normal, Super and Compact.
The use of the strand T15C (Compact) with diameter and section respectively of 15.2 mm and 165 mm², allows to reduce the dimensions, by applying anchorages of smaller dimensions thus also reducing the size of the tensioning jacks.
The availability of steel strand is guaranteed by the ability of the Group, with two manufacturing facilities with an annual capacity of 150,000 tons.


Giuseppe Pancera


Phone +39 0775 91991

Maurizio Capoferri



Phone +39 0297277811

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