The i-Recovery system developed by ORI Martin, partnered with Tenova, Turboden, and A2A, the local utilities company, for the recovery and recycling of the heat produced by the steel mill, is once again making headlines.
The i-Recovery system is part of A2A's wide-ranging plan, launched in 2018, for the decarbonization of the energy system, which will make Brescia the first "carbon-free" Italian city, well ahead of the MISE's Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan. And that's not all. Once the plan is completed, Brescia will represent a standard of environmental excellence at the European level.
A2A's recent announcement of the abandonment of fossil fuel by 2022, taken up by the online and offline press in recent days, has once again highlighted in the national (Il Sole 24 Ore, La Stampa, La Repubblica, Il Messaggero, Il Secolo XIX, Il Giorno...), local (Giornale di Brescia, Bresciaoggi, Corriere della sera Brescia...) and specialized media (Quotidiano energia, Staffetta Quotidiana, Energia oltre, Borsa Italiana, Qui finanza, Tele Borsa, First online...) the importance of the i-Recovery system as a fundamental element for the decarbonization of the city.
This is a highly innovative project, the first of its kind in Italy, which underlines ORI Martin's attention to energy saving and circular economy. The optimization of resources and the reduction of environmental impact have always been essential for the company's policy, which in recent years has made significant investments in structures and processes. These include the i-Recovery system, one of the first four Italian lighthouse plants selected by the Cluster Fabbrica Intelligente, and approved by the Ministry of Economic Development as examples of digitization, automation, and 4.0 technologies.
The closed-cycle project involves the recovery of the heat from the steelmaking process and its transformation into steam, then transformed into electricity and heating, fed into the district heating network of Brescia. With a view to integration between the city and industry, i-Recovery generates heat to warm 2,000 families every year in winter, while in summer it produces clean electricity equivalent to the needs of 700 families, guaranteeing a global reduction in CO2 emissions of 10,000 tons.
At the same time, the systems and technologies used in the i-Recovery, connecting all machinery and process steps, allow automatic acquisition of data and material information. In this way, ORI Martin is the first "steel cyber-physical factory" and guarantees total product traceability.
Read the complete press review by clicking on the attached PDF.
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